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Small earnings from self-employment – Tax and National Insurance implications

self-employment and small earnings

Many people earn small amounts of money from self-employment, often as a side hustle. For example, this may be from craft or baking activities, tuition, or the provision of services, such as babysitting. If you earn money in this way, it is important to understand the associated tax and National Insurance implications. Tax consequences A … Read more

Beware of gift aid clawback

Gift aid clawback

Changing personal circumstances may mean that individuals who were previously taxpayers find that they are now non-taxpayers. If they are in the habit of making charitable donations under gift aid, they need to tread carefully to avoid an unwanted bill from HMRC. Nature of gift aid Donations made by individuals to charities or to community … Read more

National Insurance changes from July 2022

National Insurance

Although the National Insurance rates and thresholds for 2022/23 had already been set, at the time of the Spring Statement in March 2022, the Chancellor announced increases in the primary threshold which would align the starting point for National Insurance with the personal allowance from 6 July 2022. However, as the increase does not take … Read more

Capital gains tax personal allowance

capital gains tax personal allowance

Using your annual exempt amount for 2021/22 All individuals are entitled to an annual exempt amount for capital gains tax purposes. Net gains (chargeable gains less allowable losses) for the tax year are free of capital gain tax to the extent that they are covered by the annual exempt amount. For 2021/22, the annual exempt … Read more

Struggling to pay tax – What should you do?

struggling to pay tax

The January self-assessment payment deadline is not well timed, falling as it does in a month when people may be already struggling to pay their Christmas credit card bills. However unpalatable the 31 January tax deadline is, it is not one that should be ignored. Taxpayers who are within self-assessment will need to pay any … Read more

Get ready for the next steps of Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital (MTD) is a government programme to move to a digital tax world. HMRC’s stated ambition is to become one of the most digitally advanced tax administrations in the world. MTD involves fundamental changes in the way in which taxpayers keep records and report information to HMRC. MTD launched with MTD for VAT, … Read more