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Utilise the deduction for paid and reimbursed expenses


Employees often need to incur expenses when undertaking their jobs. The nature of the expense may vary depending on the job, but typical expenses include travel and subsistence expenses and fees and subscriptions. It will often be the case that the employee initially incurs the expense and then reclaims the cost from their employer via … Read more

Mileage allowance – What can you pay tax-free?

Mileage allowance

Employees often need to undertake business trips and it is common practice to reimburse the employee’s fuel costs by means of a mileage allowance. The tax rules allow mileage payments to be made tax-free up to certain limits. However, the rules are different depending on whether the employee is driving their own car or a … Read more

Tax relief for pre-trading expenses

tax relief on pre-trading expenses

There is a lot of preparation involved in setting up a business, and costs will be incurred, which may be substantial. Before it is able to start trading, a business may incur expenditure on items such as: acquiring premises; recruiting staff; buying stock; setting up website; IT costs; advertising and marketing; and travel and subsistence. … Read more

Reporting expenses and benefits for 2019/20

Reporting expenses and benefits

Employers who provided taxable expenses and benefits to employees in 2019/20 need to tell HMRC about them by 6 July 2020, if they have not opted to tax them via the payroll. Non-payrolled taxable expenses and benefits are reported to HMRC on form P11D. Employers must also file a P11D(b) by the same date. This … Read more

Incidental overnight expenses

Incidental overnight expenses

A tax exemption enables an employer to meet small personal expenses when an employee stays away from home for work, without the employee suffering a tax charge and without any need to report the expenses to HMRC. What are incidental overnight expenses? Incidental overnight expenses are personal (i.e. non-business) expenses incurred when an employee travels … Read more