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Relief for homeworking expenses post Covid-19

relief for homeworking expenses

The Covid-19 pandemic forced large numbers of employees to work from home for the first time. Having made the transition to homeworking, post-pandemic, many employees have continued to work from home some or all of the time. Household expenses Employees who work from home may incur costs as a result, such as increased household bills. … Read more

Tax relief for pre-trading expenses

tax relief on pre-trading expenses

There is a lot of preparation involved in setting up a business, and costs will be incurred, which may be substantial. Before it is able to start trading, a business may incur expenditure on items such as: acquiring premises; recruiting staff; buying stock; setting up website; IT costs; advertising and marketing; and travel and subsistence. … Read more

Pension annual allowance – Making tax relieved contributions

Pension annual allowance

Tax relief is available to encourage individuals to make contributions to registered private pension plans. However, while there is no limit to the amount that an individual can contribute to their pension plans, there are limits on the contributions that qualify for tax relief. One of those limits is the annual allowance. Tax relieved contributions … Read more

Claim tax relief for additional costs of working from home

working from home

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the advice was ‘work from home if you can’. As a result, millions of employees found themselves working at home, often at very short notice. Many still have not returned to the workplace, and homeworking (whether fully or flexibly) is here to stay. Employees will generally incur additional costs as a … Read more